NASA Earth Meteorite Landings

25 May 2020

This post shows you how to merge geographic map (which we get from from json file format) and data points (in this case meteorite landings) into a single map and visualize the data.

We will use the URL from NASA’s Open Data Portal API from NASA, it is a comprehensive data set from The Meteoritical Society. The dataset contains information on all of the known meteorite landings. For the sake of this tutorial we will request data and import it as JSON. Our target is to extract the following features from that data to create a dataframe and then map the points to visualize the locations of the landings. The columns we are interested are listed below:

-Name Type

As usual let us import all the necessary libraries that we are going to use.

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd #used for transforming geolocation data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from datetime import datetime  #to convert data to datetime that does not fall 
#within the pandas.to_datetime function timeframe
from shapely.geometry import Point  #transform latitude/longitude to geo-coordinate data
from import geocode #get the latitude/longitude for a given address
from import reverse_geocode  #get the address for a location using latitude/longitude

import requests  #similar to urllib, this library allows a computer to ping a website
import json      #library to handle JSON formatted data
%matplotlib inline

The url we are accessing needs no authentication. When accesing APIs it is better to check if we need authentication keys or not. Besides that, it is also worth cheking the sharing protocol for each websites. Next we use requests library to request the url.

#URL to NASA meteorite API
url = r""

#the get function checks to make sure that the website/server is responding back
#200 means that we're good
resp = requests.get(url)
<Response [200]>

We can check the response status code using the above code line, for further information you can check the website. Once we get the <Response [200]> we can go ahead and check if we really are accessing the site by printing it out. As it can be a large output, it is advisable to limit the content if possible.

#send a request to the website to return back text data from the API
#returns data as JSON string
str_data = resp.text
'[{"name":"Aachen","id":"1","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"L5","mass":"21","fall":"Fell","year":"1880-01-01T00:00:00.000","reclat":"50.775000","reclong":"6.083330","geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.08333,50.775]}}\n,{"name":"Aarhus","id":"2","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"H6","mass":"720","fall":"Fell","year":"1951-01-01T00:00:00.000","reclat":"56.183330","reclong":"10.233330","geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[10.23333,56.18333]}}\n,{"name":"Abee","id":"6","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"EH4","mass":"107000","fall":"Fell","year":"1952-01-01T00:00:00.000","reclat":"54.216670","reclong":"-113.000000","geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-113,54.21667]}}\n,{"name":"Acapulco","id":"10","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"Acapulcoite","mass":"1914","fall":"Fell","year":"1976-01-01T00:00:00.000","reclat":"16.883330","reclong":"-99.900000","geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-99.9,16.88333]}}\n,{"name":"Achiras","id":"370","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"L6","mass":"780","fall":"Fell","year":"1902-01-01T00:00:00.000","reclat":"-33.166670","reclong":"-64.950000","geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-64.95,-33.16667]}}\n,{"name":"Adhi Kot","id":"379","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"EH4","mass":"4239","fall":"Fell","year":"1919-01-01T00:00:00.000","reclat":"32.100000","reclong":"71.800000","geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[71.8,32.1]}}\n,{"name":"Adzhi-Bogdo (stone)","id":"390","nametype":"Valid","recclass":"LL3-6","mass":"910","fall":"Fell"'

We need to decode the json file and that can be achieved as follows

#loads function reversed dictionary order
#dictionary objects are unordered in general
NASAdata = json.loads(str_data)

It is also better to verify that JSON object is list and check its length, this is done by


To help us navigate through the tree, we keep asking the types until we reach the end of the hierarchical line.

#first level keys in JSON object
{'name': 'Aachen',
 'id': '1',
 'nametype': 'Valid',
 'recclass': 'L5',
 'mass': '21',
 'fall': 'Fell',
 'year': '1880-01-01T00:00:00.000',
 'reclat': '50.775000',
 'reclong': '6.083330',
 'geolocation': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [6.08333, 50.775]}}

#dictionary name, dictionary key, dictionary key, then list index

{'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [6.08333, 50.775]}
dict_keys(['type', 'coordinates'])

#dictionary name, dictionary key, dictionary key, then list index




#dictionary name, dictionary key, dictionary key, then list index

[6.08333, 50.775]

Let us now create an empyt list where we will put the retrivied information. We use the notation namels, where name is the name of the column and ls indicate that we are creating new list.

idmls = []
yearls = []
fallls = []
namels = [] 
nametypels = []
massls = []
latitudels = []
longitudels = []
#extract the values for the meteore dataset

for meteor in NASAdata:
    #get the value of each key and if the key doesn't exist, set a variable to be None
    try: idm = meteor['id']
    except: idm = None
    try: year = meteor['year']
    except: year = None
    try: fall = meteor['fall']
    except: fall = None
    try: name = meteor['name']
    except: name = None
    try: nametype = meteor['nametype']
    except: nametype = None
    try: mass = meteor['mass']
    except: mass = None
    try: latitude =meteor['geolocation']['coordinates'][1]
    except: latitude = None
    try: longitude = meteor['geolocation']['coordinates'][0]
    except: longitude = None
#check to see first 5 items of a few lists
['1', '2', '6', '10', '370']
['1880-01-01T00:00:00.000', '1951-01-01T00:00:00.000', '1952-01-01T00:00:00.000', '1976-01-01T00:00:00.000', '1902-01-01T00:00:00.000']
['Fell', 'Fell', 'Fell', 'Fell', 'Fell']
['Aachen', 'Aarhus', 'Abee', 'Acapulco', 'Achiras']
['Valid', 'Valid', 'Valid', 'Valid', 'Valid']
['21', '720', '107000', '1914', '780']
#check number of items in each list

#match indices of each list and zip into one list
meteorList = list(zip(idmls, yearls, fallls, namels, 
                    nametypels, massls, latitudels, longitudels))

#names for columns in data frame
colnames = ['id', 'year', 'fall','name', 'nametype', 'mass', 'latitude', 'longitude']
#create data frame with column names in it
df = pd.DataFrame(meteorList, columns=colnames)

id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude
0 1 1880-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Aachen Valid 21 50.77500 6.08333
1 2 1951-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Aarhus Valid 720 56.18333 10.23333
2 6 1952-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Abee Valid 107000 54.21667 -113.00000
3 10 1976-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Acapulco Valid 1914 16.88333 -99.90000
4 370 1902-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Achiras Valid 780 -33.16667 -64.95000
5 379 1919-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Adhi Kot Valid 4239 32.10000 71.80000
6 390 1949-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Adzhi-Bogdo (stone) Valid 910 44.83333 95.16667
7 392 1814-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Agen Valid 30000 44.21667 0.61667
8 398 1930-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Aguada Valid 1620 -31.60000 -65.23333
9 417 1920-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Aguila Blanca Valid 1440 -30.86667 -64.55000
id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude
990 23984 1986-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tianzhang Valid 2232 32.94667 118.99000
991 23989 1878-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tieschitz Valid 28000 49.60000 17.11667
992 23998 1927-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tilden Valid 74800 38.20000 -89.68333
993 23999 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tillaberi Valid 3000 14.25000 1.53333
994 24004 1807-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Timochin Valid 65500 54.50000 35.20000
995 24009 1934-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tirupati Valid 230 13.63333 79.41667
996 54823 2011-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tissint Valid 7000 29.48195 -7.61123
997 24011 1869-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tjabe Valid 20000 -7.08333 111.53333
998 24012 1922-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tjerebon Valid 16500 -6.66667 106.58333
999 24019 1905-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Tomakovka Valid 600 47.85000 34.76667

Geolocation Data

Geospatial information is data that is referenced by spatial or geographic coordinates. The data that we will be working with in this lesson is vector data - features that are represented by points, lines, and polygons. Points are defined by a pair of (x,y) coordinates. They usually represent locations, place names, and other objects on the ground. Lines are the connection between two points. They can have properties such as length, direction, flow, etc. Polygons are a series of lines connected together to form a shape. They can have properties such as area, perimeters, and centroids. In this notebook, you will need to install the geopandas and geoPy libraries. Also, download this text file to use in the example code below.

Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding

Geocoding is taking an address for a location and returning its latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates. Reverse geocoding would then be the opposite - taking the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates for a location and returning the physical address.

#take an address and return coordinates
#returned variable is a geo-dataframe with 2 columns, geometry (the geographical shape) and the full physical address
ex1_geo = geocode("1830 Metzerott rd, Adelphi, MD", provider='nominatim')
geometry address
0 POINT (-76.96662 39.00261) Metzerott Road, Avenel, Buck Lodge, Adelphi, P...
#structure of full address
#each API structures addresses differently
"Metzerott Road, Avenel, Buck Lodge, Adelphi, Prince George's County, Maryland, 20740, United States of America"
#use latitude and longitude to get physical address
#pass through using Point geometry
#also returns geo-dataframe with geometry and full physical address
ex2_geo = reverse_geocode([Point(-77.15879730243169, 39.0985195)], provider='nominatim')
geometry address
0 POINT (-77.15880 39.09852) Montgomery College, 51, Mannakee Street, West ...

Geocode a Dataframe column

We need to download the continents.json GeoJSON file for the world map that will be charted.

meteor_df = df
id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude
0 1 1880-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Aachen Valid 21 50.77500 6.08333
1 2 1951-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Aarhus Valid 720 56.18333 10.23333
2 6 1952-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Abee Valid 107000 54.21667 -113.00000
3 10 1976-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Acapulco Valid 1914 16.88333 -99.90000
4 370 1902-01-01T00:00:00.000 Fell Achiras Valid 780 -33.16667 -64.95000
#data type of each column
id            object
year          object
fall          object
name          object
nametype      object
mass          object
latitude     float64
longitude    float64
dtype: object
#only dataframe with non-null year column values
meteor_df = meteor_df.loc[meteor_df['year'].notnull()]

#change year column into a string
#need to use string type for getYear function below
meteor_df['year'] = meteor_df['year'].astype(str)
#function to split apart the date from the timestamp
def getYear(col):
    #get YYYY-MM-DD value
    date = col.split("T")[0]
    #extract year from date
    dt = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    return dt.year
#replace the year timestamp data with only the year (using the getYear function)
meteor_df['year'] = meteor_df['year'].apply(getYear)
id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude
0 1 1880 Fell Aachen Valid 21 50.77500 6.08333
1 2 1951 Fell Aarhus Valid 720 56.18333 10.23333
2 6 1952 Fell Abee Valid 107000 54.21667 -113.00000
3 10 1976 Fell Acapulco Valid 1914 16.88333 -99.90000
4 370 1902 Fell Achiras Valid 780 -33.16667 -64.95000
#see columns with null values
id           999
year         999
fall         999
name         999
nametype     999
mass         971
latitude     987
longitude    987
dtype: int64
#only include rows with non-null latitudes (which means longitude is also not null) and non-null mass
meteor_df = meteor_df.loc[(meteor_df['latitude'].notnull()) & meteor_df['mass'].notnull()]
id           959
year         959
fall         959
name         959
nametype     959
mass         959
latitude     959
longitude    959
dtype: int64
#make a new column to hold the longitude & latitude as a list
meteor_df['coordinates'] = list(meteor_df[['longitude', 'latitude']].values)
#see new coordinates column
id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude coordinates
0 1 1880 Fell Aachen Valid 21 50.77500 6.08333 [6.08333, 50.775]
1 2 1951 Fell Aarhus Valid 720 56.18333 10.23333 [10.23333, 56.18333]
2 6 1952 Fell Abee Valid 107000 54.21667 -113.00000 [-113.0, 54.21667]
3 10 1976 Fell Acapulco Valid 1914 16.88333 -99.90000 [-99.9, 16.88333]
4 370 1902 Fell Achiras Valid 780 -33.16667 -64.95000 [-64.95, -33.16667]
#list values in coordinates column is classified as object type
#convert the coordinates to a geolocation type
meteor_df['coordinates'] = meteor_df['coordinates'].apply(Point)
#coordinates column now has POINT next to each coordinate pair value
id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude coordinates
0 1 1880 Fell Aachen Valid 21 50.77500 6.08333 POINT (6.08333 50.775)
1 2 1951 Fell Aarhus Valid 720 56.18333 10.23333 POINT (10.23333 56.18333)
2 6 1952 Fell Abee Valid 107000 54.21667 -113.00000 POINT (-113 54.21667)
3 10 1976 Fell Acapulco Valid 1914 16.88333 -99.90000 POINT (-99.90000000000001 16.88333)
4 370 1902 Fell Achiras Valid 780 -33.16667 -64.95000 POINT (-64.95 -33.16667)
#coordinates column with geolocation data is just a regular pandas Series type
#create a geolocation dataframe type using the coordinates column as the geolocation data
geo_meteor = gpd.GeoDataFrame(meteor_df, geometry='coordinates')
#geo-dataframe looks the same as regular dataframe
id year fall name nametype mass latitude longitude coordinates
0 1 1880 Fell Aachen Valid 21 50.77500 6.08333 POINT (6.08333 50.77500)
1 2 1951 Fell Aarhus Valid 720 56.18333 10.23333 POINT (10.23333 56.18333)
2 6 1952 Fell Abee Valid 107000 54.21667 -113.00000 POINT (-113.00000 54.21667)
3 10 1976 Fell Acapulco Valid 1914 16.88333 -99.90000 POINT (-99.90000 16.88333)
4 370 1902 Fell Achiras Valid 780 -33.16667 -64.95000 POINT (-64.95000 -33.16667)
#verify coordinates column is geolocation data type

I already have the json data file with coordinates for the continents, but I presume it is not a difficult task to get the file online.

#import file that contains a world map shape polygons
#will use to plot the coordinates of meteorite landings
filepath = "datasets/continents.json"

#data contains polygon shape coordinates for different map body types (continents, etc.)
map_df = gpd.read_file(filepath)
CONTINENT geometry
0 Asia MULTIPOLYGON (((93.27554 80.26361, 93.14804 80...
1 North America MULTIPOLYGON (((-25.28167 71.39166, -25.62389 ...
2 Europe MULTIPOLYGON (((58.06138 81.68776, 57.88986 81...
3 Africa MULTIPOLYGON (((0.69465 5.77337, 0.63583 5.944...
4 South America MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.71306 12.49028, -81.72015 ...

The following code maps both your continent and meteorites into a single map.

#plot coordinates on top of map graph

#this is to set the size of the borders
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(15,10))

#this is the map 
basemap = map_df.plot(ax=ax,cmap='Greens')

#plot coordinates on top of map graph
geo_meteor.plot(ax=basemap, color='blue', marker="o", markersize=10)

#take off axis numbers

#put title on map
ax.set_title("NASA Meteorite Landings", fontsize=25, fontweight=3)
Text(0.5, 1, 'NASA Meteorite Landings')


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